Monday, June 18, 2012

Jamie Trashes the Dress

Today Jamie and I went on a little adventure with a few of her friends and family. We are still in Costa Rica so rode 4-wheelers out to La Selvita where Jamie zip-lined in her wedding dress. So. Much. Fun.
She had a veil on her helmet :)
Love this girl!
 I went ahead of her on the line so I could get her coming right at me. I've never zip-lined before and it was a bit scary but so worth it. The view was amazing.
 There were 10 line on the course so I got several chances to catch her veil blowing and smiling face. I love the red helmet and purple shoes.
A few quick portraits after we were done.
THen it was back on the 4-wheelers for the ride back to town.
 Beautiful girl...checking to make sure I was still behind her.
 This was totally awesome because our guide found us a bridge where I could shoot her from overhead then run down and get her from the front splashing through the water. Awesome!
 I grabbed this on of Karuna who drove me so I could take photos since I got off the ATV for the river shot. She was a great driver.
 In the water and on the dirt roads.
And finally...through a canopy of palm trees. The view was simple gorgeous here.
The end :)
 I had a great day with you Jamie. I'll have wedding pics for you soon.